Monday, January 25, 2010

The simple things...

Right now I'm laying on my couch trying not to move, hoping that my mom has some ginger ale for my very upset stomach, but with a smile on my face as I listen to my daughter in the other room.

What I'm hearing right now is the sound of Hot Wheels cars being sent down a Hot Wheels track and then crashing into my kitchen cupboards. But even better than that, is the sound of my daughter just singing away, enjoying every second of her hot wheels smash up.

I smile because I remember the joy that a little tiny car replica can bring to a child. I smile because I remember hours and hours of fun with my brother playing with his hot wheels.

So even though I'm still mourning my brother, even though I'm going through a divorce, and even though I have the stomach flu...right here, right now...I smile...all because of some Hot Wheels!

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