I know that it's been ages since I last posted, so I'll start where I left off and try to get you all caught up on what's been happening with us!
Here's Mercedes getting her medal for finishing the marathon, and yes I did walk the last mile with her!

After the marathon, Mercedes finished up school and we left for Edmonton on Monday June 28th and I stayed until July 7th and Mercedes stayed until July 10th. It was awesome and I had a great time the whole time I was there! I have been feeling really good since I've been out of the hospital and I've been on different meds and I'm really enjoying life and enjoying just feeling like a normal person. I'm so very grateful that I was able enjoy my time with my friends and especially have a good time at my girlfriends wedding and all the associated celebrations.
Here's me & Jackie just before we left for her stagette party...

Here's Jackie, Mercedes and I at Jackie's wedding...

This is my favorite picture of just Mercedes that I took before we left for the church.

So I had an awesome time every second that I was gone on vacation, but I did come home a couple days before Mercedes so that I could have a few days to myself. I was outside when I heard this buzzing sound and I followed it and to my surprise, this is what I found....

At first we thought it was a beehive, but we eventually decided it was just a big swarm since the next day it was totally gone. And all that was left was these few bees...

Now Mercedes is back home and we are enjoying our clean and organized house, and Mercedes is enjoying her many birthday presents...one of which was a new bike...

And one of the gifts I gave her was these gift certificates. She's already used 2 of them!! She loved this gift!! It ranked right up there with her new bike and her Wii!! It's nice to know that my daughter appreciates things that arent' just about big bucks! And it felt good for me to get to do something a little creative, to make these look cute.

So now we are trying to get back into the swing of regular summer life. I've got all the bags unpacked and the laundry is just about all caught up, so hopefully I can get back into the groove and get back to work on this memory box, so I can get it finished and I need to get some more cards made. And of course, I do have more projects lined up, just waiting to be worked on.
And hopefully I will be posting regularly again now too! I does feel good to be back though, and I hope to have lots of pics of projects to post soon! :)