This was the scene inside my mom's front door today. Shoes, shoes & more shoes. Dan & Shi were there with their 7 kids, and Sonda & Randy were there with their 6 kids, and then Mercedes & I were there...alot of people, alot of noise, alot of shoes!
I first noticed the shoes as I was running out the door to get something from my house. I noticed them enough that this was the first picture I took when I got back to my mom's house. As I was taking the picture I thought how this pile of shoes was so indicative of our family right now. A little jumbled up, a little messy, a little all over, but alot all together!
Wasn't it just the other day that the front entry was filled with car seats & diaper bags? When did all these kids go from toddlers to teenagers? When did we stop changing diapers & start helping with hair & makeup? How is it that my nieces are more interested in the cute boys rather than the playground? Instead of checking on the kids playing outside we are checking out the boys that have come to pick up these girls...these girls that were babies just yesterday.
We have no more babies now. No diapers, no bottles, no sleepers. Our youngest kids will be starting kindergarten within the next year or two & the oldest will be graduating high school in a year or two. I'm amazed at how fast the time has gone and I stop for a moment to just look around and try to remember exactly how we look right now. This is our family. These are our shoes.