Today was a long day! I had a tooth pulled last week and on Saturday I realized that I had
dry socket. Of course the dentist wasn't working on the weekend so I just suffered with it. First thing this morning I called to make an appointment and much to my dismay the dentist won't be in until tomorrow! Ow, ow, owwwwwww! I finally went to the dr. just to get something for the pain and luckily I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow morning!
After the doctor I just wanted to come home and lay down, but I needed a few groceries & to get my prescription filled. So I go to start the's my mom's 1986 Toyota Camry...I don't have my own car right now. Anyways her car has this problem where you can put the key in, but it won't turn! I sat there for over 10 minutes trying to get the key to turn...and the car was hot...and I was in pain...and in a hurry! Finally I just walked down to the dollar store cause I was so frustrated. Wandered around the dollar store for a few minutes, picked up a few things, replenished my tootsie roll supply and then walked back to the car. Again I sat there for 10 minutes trying to get the stupid key to turn. By now I was starting to get a blister on my thumb. Finally I go back into the dr.'s office to use their phone...all their lines are busy, so AGAIN I go try to start the car. FINALLY after another 5 minutes I get it started! Now I'm really annoyed!
I drive to Extra Foods, drop off the prescriptions and they say it will be 20-25 minutes...which means it will be at least 40 minutes! My mouth was aching, my head was throbbing, my thumb was blistering and I was hot as hell. So I came home, smoked two cigarettes (ya, I know, really good for the sore mouth!), popped an Ativan and finally calmed down enough to go get some groceries. After all that I went over and helped my mom can some peaches and then came home to work on some ATC's I need to make for a swap.
I have a few general ideas of what I'd like to do, but nothing I did some experimenting. Usually when I experiment I get MOSTLY good results...not so much tonight...not sure if it was the pain or the help of a four year old, but I finally packed it in and I'm calling it a night!
Did manage to get the money sent up for my son's birthday on the 21st and found out that my oldest dd got her learner's liscense yesterday...Congrats, Jessi! I also started trying to figure out some good music to use with slide shows...I want to make one for my mom & stepdad with some of the pics I've been taking of all their grandkids...and I will probably make one of Mercedes for Brad & his mom & dad.
Tomorrow I will be trying to get some cute pics of Braya with her new puppy, Muffy.