April has been an interesting month around here. We went up to Edmonton for Easter to see the in-laws & family, my best friend and my older daughter. When we got back home we found out that the job Brad was working at is basically all finished, so he hasn't been working hardly at all this month. He has been handing out resumes all over the place, but so far, nothing. I'm desperately hoping that he finds something soon.
Then last Friday I had a seizure and it really messed with my head. Yesterday was the first time I even came on the computer or did any scrappin, since some of the side effects have finally started to go away. We have no idea what caused the seizure, but I am a little concerned because this means I've now had 2 seizures in the last year and we don't know why. I'm hoping that the neurologist will be able to give me some answers.
I did manage to get a couple LO's made for my cousin, and did a few cards and I'm hoping to get some Mother's Day cards made for sale, just so I'll have a little money to get a tiny bit of paper that I need.
Enough with the depressing news and let's jump to some recent creations!