Sunday, December 16, 2007

I'm Back.....

Decided tonight that keeping up my blog is my new priority. Some days may be nothing more than 5 things I'm thankful for, or just some pictures of things I've been working on or have interested me. Some days will have long entries as I use this forum as a way to try to work out all the many things constantly racing around my brain. Other days may have only one or two words describing how I'm feeling...on those days one or two words is all that my brain can handle. Some times I will have good things to write about, and some times I will have to write about some not so good things. This is life though and I think it needs to be recorded, if for no other reason than to help me figure myself out and encourage me to continue to look at the big picture and strive to keep doing better. From the mundane such as tracking med changes to the excitement of a completing a special project. My goal is to make at least one entry a matter how small or how large.

So first things's a picture of me taken after all my dental work & summer makeover.

Lately I've been swamped getting Christmas gifts made, card orders to fill, keeping up with Mercedes, and my volunteer work at the school helping the grade ones scrapbook. After I finish my Christmas gifts, the next big project is an album for my grandma. I'm getting excited to start working on it.

On the personal front Brad and I are seperated again, but things have been amicable, so hopefully we can keep things that way. Mercedes is with me and she is doing great in school. Only 1 more week before her Christmas holidays. That's all for now...see ya tomorrow. :)

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