Thursday, August 25, 2005

The germs won...but my mom has baby fish!

Yup, I've surrendered to the germs and finally admitted, I AM SICK! The dr. confirmed it with a prompt diagnosis of bronchitis, followed by a prescription for antibiotics & some pretty good cough medicine. This morning was pretty much a write off...barely managed to drag my congested head & body to the dr's & pharmacy after making sure my child had a healthy breakfast of Corn Pops! She went to my mom's for awhile & I dropped onto my couch, from whence I did not move for almost 2 whole hours. I knew my mom had gone out, leaving Ferrin in charge, so I figured I better go check on the sister in law was in Lethbridge so a couple of her kids were over too.

When I got there the kids were playing happily (miracles never cease) so I grabbed my camera and managed to get a few pictures of the backyard. My mom had bought 6 goldfish and/or Koi at the beginning of the summer, and now although there are only 2 left, they have gotten quite large...and well procreated like rabbits!! I managed to count 18 babies at one point and my mom says she's counted as many as 23...I couldn't see them all today, but I do think I got about 11 0r 13 in a couple of the pictures! I'll post em, so count for yourselves...just remember baby fish shadows look remarkably like baby fish!

After my 5 minutes excursion with the camera I was pretty much worn out again, so I came back to my couch and watched the movie Hitch. Now this was a movie that I had thought would be good, but I wasn't really in the mood to watch it today, cause, well I felt like a bag of poo & didn't feel like laughing about anything. However the disk for Bowling for Columbine wouldn't work so it was Hitch or a movie about Joseph Smith, and well, I definately wasn't in the mood for Mr. Smith! Now watching a movie that you are not in the mood's weird...I really had wanted to watch Bowling for Columbine, and I was pretty choked when it wouldn't know that kind of feeling like you get when you are really craving something and you know it's in your fridge at home, and all day, all you can think about is how good it's gonna taste & how bad you want it...and then you get home...and someone else ATE it!!! You know, that feeling! And even though you have a full fridge of other food, NOTHING looks good, cause all you wanted was that one thing you were craving....well it's kinda like that! So I finally decided to just watch Hitch even though I didn't think I was in the mood...and I ended up laughing my ass off! Literally laughing out loud...which does not happen often when watching a movie alone and you are sick and miserable! I may even watch it again!

Tonight I managed to get a small burst of energy...enough to feed my child a partially balanced meal, tidy my kitchen and clean the sinks (I have a thing about a clean sink), and even read and answered all my email. Mercedes was also in a good mood tonight and for some reason thought it was hilarious to run around the house naked, waggin her butt and saying "nana nana boo b00"...gotta love four year olds!

So that's my day...mostly...and I'll add some pics of the baby fish...btw Mercedes tells me the big fish are named Sunshine & polka dot...although my mom tells me the other kids have named them something else...I really don't think the fish care one way or the other, doesn't matter what ya call them, they ain't coming! lol

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