Friday, November 17, 2006

A Very Good Day...

Today was a great day! Probably one of the best I've had in awhile. It started off with me getting up at 6:30 to drive Brad to work, but just as I walked out the door his friend Randy pulled up and said he was up so thought he'd come by and give Brad a ride so I wouldn't have too! Needless to say Randy is now my favorite of all Brad's friends here! lol So I quickly jumped back into bed and was immediately back asleep. I got Mercedes off to school then I went to the bank, got gas, a few groceries, smokes and movies and picked Brad up for lunch. We had lunch together then I took him back to work. I stopped by my sister's for a few minutes just to see how she was feeling. She was still quite pale and said she had a terrible headache, but was feeling better than she had been earlier this week.

After a quick visit with Sonda I went to the bookstore and picked up Eric's cd and something for Sonda's family for Christmas. After getting Mercedes from school we went out on a hunt for the perfect birthday gift for Brad. Of course Mercedes had to get something too, so we found a whole bunch of beads that she can use to make necklaces & bracelets. Being that Britten got beads for her birthday Mercedes has been wanting some ever since. We also hit the Bargain store where I got a rack thingie to use to help organize my supplies. After that it was the dollar store, drugstore and then the craft store to get a bead organizer. By the time we got done it was time to get Brad from work. We decided that he should celebrate his birthday tonight since Randy is in town and I was having such a good day, so we planned a menu of appetizers and I headed back to the grocery store.

As soon as I got home at 5:00pm I started cooking. We had spinach dip in a sourdough bread bowl, potato skins with real bacon bits, cheddar & monterey jack cheese & green onions, stuffed mushrooms and then bacon wrapped water chestnuts. Everything was a big hit and I got many compliments to the chef! Brad was just beaming that his friends were jealous that he had a wife who knew how to cook! It reminded me how much I really do enjoy entertaining. We are definately going to have to do it more often. I even have all the stuff to make more of everything tomorrow night, along with some crab melts and ham melts that I made up yesterday and Brad loves!!

Randy had brought his 2 year old daughter over to play with Mercedes and they sure were cute playing together. Everyone was gone by 11:00 so I now just have to get Mercedes to bed and I can have some much needed Tania time!! I hope to do something creative maybe inspired by the book Designing with Words that I just got from the library today after requesting it a year ago! lol And I put in my order for a copy of the Autumn Leaves Designing with 2007 calendar, something that I've really been wanting! And the best part of the day was that my mom is finally back from her vacation!! I've really missed her and I'm so glad they made it back safely. All

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