Friday, November 10, 2006

Another week gone by...

Well it's been a few days since I last posted. Nothing much happened this week though. I've had a terrible headache all week that I just can't seem to shake, and major anxiety, so I'm not really sure what that's all about. I hope it doesn't mean a med change already. Mercedes has been fighting a cold all week also, but she's still been in a fairly good mood. It's been a little strange with my mom gone this week...I really do rely on those little breaks I get throughout the day when Mercedes runs next door to Grandma's! lol I'll have to remember to tell my mom how much she is appreciated when she gets back!

I did get one piece of good news this week though. I had applied for a design team position to Wendy Kennedy at
last week. Since I hadn't heard back I assumed that I didn't get it, especially since she said there was alot of interest in the position. But yesterday when I checked my email I found a message congratulating me on being a new member of the design team!! I'm really looking forward to playing with some new supplies and Wendy seems great! So it was fun today to make a list of some of the stuff I'd be interested in'll be even more fun when I get the actual package and can start to play. I already have a couple projects starting to come together in my head, so I'll be waiting ever so impatiently to get started!

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