Sunday, March 19, 2006

So it's been awhile...

Decided that I should get back into the habit of blogging again, if for no other reason that it will help with journaling for scrapbook layouts!

I've actually been pretty busy lately...I've made 40 cards this month and am currently trying to get a little paper bag album made for my mom for her birthday on Wednesday. I really don't know why I always seem to think of these things at the last minute! lol Oh well it is starting to come together nicely and as soon as I have a few uninterupted hours, I'm sure I can get it finished. I think she will really like it as I'm also giving her a bunch of cards too. She bought me a pack of 250 sheets of nice white cardstock and told me flat out that she wanted cards for her birthday, so she's getting some! Nothing like being subtle! lol

I need to get a set of coasters made for my girlfriend next week also and then I'll be starting on a baby album. My cousin had their first baby a couple weeks ago and I decided to make them an album...they'll just have to add the pictures. I'll be seeing them on Easter so I have a couple weeks at least to work on it! I actually would have started earlier except I had to order most of the stuff online and she ended up having to backorder some of it, so I told her to just hold the order until she could send it all at once. As far as I know it was mailed on Friday so I'm really hoping that it'll get here by mid-week. I've never made an album without pictures before so it should be interesting, but I enjoy stretching my creative muscles! I've also been working on an Art Journal with some girls from my scrappin message board and that's been alot of fun. Unforetunately I am now 2 weeks behind, but I'll work on it as I find the time.

So that's most of what's been going on around here lately and what's scheduled for the immediate future! I'll try to be much more diligent in keeping up my blog. :)

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