Where is spring? That is the question of the week it seems? These pictures were taken at about 7:30 tonight and these are what "spring" is looking like around here right now.
It all started on Sunday evening with light flurries that never really even made it to the ground. Then during the night it got a little worse and by Monday morning there was a tiny bit of the white stuff sticking around...only enough that by starting my car 7 or 8 minutes before we had to leave for school, the defrost had taken care of everything and I didn't even have to pull out the snow brush.
This morning things were looking up. No snow on the ground, no snow in the air, just a frosted up windshield, but again good ol defrost took care of it. In fact at 10:00 this morning my car was totally red, no frost, no snow...just hope that the grey cloudy skies might go away.
But alas, that hope was to be dashed! The snow started again...lightly at first, but then it started to pick up steam, and this is what things looked like at 7pm. At 11pm when I watched the news they predicted another 10-20cm (4"-8") of snow overnight! WHAT!!??!?!?!? Doesn't Mother Nature know it is the middle of April?
This weather depresses me, and I was already depressed, so I didn't need this to make it worse! I'm trying to be happy for the farmer's and gardener's who can always use moisture in this area, but how about a few April shower's? This snow is just yucky and makes me want to turn right around and go back into my cave and hibernate for another month or two!
So please, if you have sunshine where you are, please, please send some our way...I am so sick of snow!!!
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