Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A couple more resolutions and a few more cards

ScrapCentral has started a challenge a day and yesterday's challenge was to make 5 cards for 5 different occasions. I took it as an opportunity to keep building up my card inventory. And I had some fun, playing with new supplies.

The other resolutions that I have made this year is to try to live a healthier life. And I also took a class from jessicasprague just before Christmas called Stories in Hand. I made a small album filled with memory prompts to help you write your own stories. My goal this year is to do at least one per week, but I'm hoping to do even more. I've already done two and I'm so far really enjoying the process. I know that alot of them will end up on a scrapbook page and that really excites me. I try to include as much journaling as possible on my layouts and am looking forward to using my creative skills to make my stories more than just pages and pages of typed answers. I also made my mom one, so we have been encouraging each other and I think that will help too. The reason this is so important to me is because I have 3 kids, and 2 of them really don't know anything about me or about themselves when they were little, and since I'm planning to make them albums this year anyways, I think this will just add a whole new level to a basic scrapbook.

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