Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A few pics, a couple ideas and a dose of don't over do it!

So today I came across this blog and one of the challenges was to take at least 1 pic a day for a whole year. I think this will be my focus this year. I've had my camera for almost 2 years already and still don't know anything about the manual settings. So I'm hoping that by taking at least one photo a day, by the end of the year it'll be interesting to see if my skills have improved. Anyhoo, here's a couple pics that I shot today.

This is my pic for January 2 - I just couldn't get over how cute these little Webkinz look in their it kept Mercedes occupied for hours! lol

Here it is...the first sneak peek at my clear album. I have a few pages done, but my photos sucked so I'll try taking some more again tomorrow. :)

This pic was taken by Mercedes today...all by herself...gotta love those Webkinz! She kept rearranging them and changing their clothes, trying to get the perfect pic. I think she did pretty good considering that she used my camera and it's quite heavy for her to hold still.

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