Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A good day...

I got an email today from Canadian Scrapbooker magazine requesting a LO for the Fall issue! Woohoo!! I had made the layout for's pictures from Sawyer's first day of I had to go borrow it to send off for photographs. She didn't want to give it to me, since the first time I was published the magazine lost the layout...I'm still dealing with that one! I finally convinced Sonda that the LO will be safe...worst case scenerio I can make her another one! I also finally finished the altered board book I've been working on. I am so glad to have that off my desk!! I need to do something for myself now...I have a few pictures printed, but nothing that is really screaming "scrap me"...and my ink is just about out so I'm trying to be really I'll either have to work with the pics I have or try to get a challenge accomplished from

Today Mercedes made me just laugh (again)...she was over at my mom's house and I called her to tell her I was running to the grocery store. She asked me to get her a surprise. I said "no". She said "please". I said, sarcastically, "ok, I'll get you some broccoli"...she said "YAY!!! Thanks Mom!" I don't know of many kids that get excited about broccoli!! lol Then later she had a friend over to play and she asked me if she could have some broccoli...I said yes. So in a very excited voice she asked her friend "hey, Jewell...want some broccoli?" Jewell looked at Mercedes like she had lost her mind and shook her head vehemently. Mercedes just shrugged her shoulders and said "ok, but I'm having some!!" And she then proceeded to have 2 big helpings of steamed broccoli. I just had to laugh though cause I have never seen a child so excited by a vegetable! lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tania!

P.S. My kids love brocoli, too. :)